I 100% reject the idea that people should retire perfectly fine computers over unnecessary and arbitrary hardware requirements. Most importantly, even if my computer happens to be 11 years old at that time, if it still works, it still works. Continuing to use the device while it is connected to the internet is not a viable option. Using a PC which is no longer receiving security updates is a terrible idea if it's connected to the internet. To go through your points, people are still buying new computers today which Windows 11 will not support, so we're looking at a 5 year life cycle for that hardware if those users do not do something like switch to Linux, which we know most people will not. 11 years (or possibly more is a good lifetime for a pc considering people now change cars more often than that) Your pc is 7 years old today and windows 10 will receive updates for another 4 years, that's 11 years, and you can keep using it after but without security updates (which I think Microsoft will eventually give in and extend them longer).